3rd Grade Language "Les Trois Petits Cochons" from Mme. Smith
By Mme. Smith
Using VoiceThread, students realized the power of voice as a tool of expression. All students in the class were able to contribute to this VoiceThread presentation of a play they had learned.
Students had already learned and practiced performing the play “live”. We took turns at the microphone to record our voices. The first page or two are completed by one or two students while we figured out how it worked. Then, all of the students were able to join in.
The objective was to explore the concept of building confidence in speaking a foreign language by listening to our voices and working on using expression.
Easy Parts
The easiest part was getting the students to buy in - they were super excited about this project!
The most difficult part was trying to use the technology since it was quite new for me. If I did it again, I would try to be in a quieter place with a headset mic.
Students had practiced the play live, with costumes and props, so they knew it well.
I learned that it was worth the effort to learn how to use VoiceThread. Students were enthusiastic and felt proud of their accomplishment. Now that I have a class webpage for FSL classes at our school, I’d like to export this so the student’s families could view it, appreciate it and hopefully leave comments on it.
I’ve also used VoiceThread for partner reports on the human body. They turned out well. I’d like to see it used more at my school for sharing and especially responding to personal writing.