Les Sons des Animaux (Animal Sounds) by Audrey Misiano
By Audrey Misiano
This multi-age global VoiceThread is an example of how you can create a project that can keep on growing with more and more participants from around the world. There are voices of children from pre-school all the way up to about 10 years of age involved in this project. It was very fun for the children to hear the voices of other children as they were added.
My friend, Sylvia Duckworth, created the powerpoint for a separate project. When I saw it, I was just learning about VoiceThread and thought it’d make a cute project with my children, whom I’m raising bilingual in French. I worked with my daughter, mainly, to create the audio. Then I shared the link on Twitter and Edmodo to get other classrooms involved. I also was able to get a classroom in my school involved in this project.
- First and foremost, this project was created to have fun! I am teaching my children to speak French and this sort of project really helps keep them interested, especially when no one else in their world speaks French, but mommy.
- To connect and share with classrooms globally so that my children can hear that other children are speaking French, too!
- To learn about the animals in French and to compare the sounds they make in the two different languages.
Easy Parts
It was easy to get kids excited about this fun project! They find it so interesting and silly to hear that animals “say” different things in other languages!
Twitter and Edmodo PLNs
Twitter and Edmodo are awesome tools to connect globally for projects such as this one.
This sort of project would be very interesting in other languages and with other onomatopoeia.